シアトル : まとめらいぶ


1:まとめらいぶ 2021/01/23(土) 16:19:55.67 ID:lHNOz1VXd

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引用元: 【画像】シアトルで持ち帰り一番人気のアメリカン寿司wwww

(C)2015 - 2021 まとめらいぶ


2まとめらいぶ2016/08/14(日) 11:35:55.39ID:aB8bi+BN0
From the Lucky Strike billboards to the Chicago railway track which opened up
travel to all, these tourist souvenirs which were printed in their millions each year
and offer a detailed journey into the past. Pictured is Wabash Avenue,
Chicago in 1900

The juxtaposition and tension between the old and new is evident in many of
the postcards in an era where lightbulbs and skyscrapers were first introduced

